Today I managed to wash and hang two loads of towels, and do a load of kids clothes (they
always take so much longer to hang
don't they?) Have lunch at the park with the two little ones. Make a
Nicey Jane quilt top for my friend (which the kids decided to play on). And let the kids have an evening swim in our pool. Now for me that isn't a bad days work at all. I'm going to leave out the part about Pizza's delivered, because that kind of ruins this whole productive thing I have going on...
Oh and the revealing of the secret will have to wait a tad bit longer, I'm sorry I am just not quite ready.
Love the quilt - I'm getting the itch to make one again soon... and yes, the little clothes do take so much longer to hang!!
the quilt looks fab - we are in the middle of winter so no hanging out option at the moment!
The quilt is really lovely! Sounds like you had a busy day! suzie. xxx
I love those productive days!! Makes one feel so satisfied doesn't it!! The quilt is looking lovely...nice fabric:) xx
Nice quilt
Yes - I would be very happy with a productive day like that. Lunch in the park, that sounds wonderful. I do love the quilt top as well - Nicey Jane is just gorgeous.
Very cute quilt (and I haven't really got into the quilt thing...yet).
Looks like your kids have chosen a very nice place to play!
Beautiful quilt. I love that fabric you have used.
No hanging out of washing going on here. Brrrr.
Rachael XX
Gorgeous quilt!
That quilt is gorgeous. You need to add some to your etsy shop!
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