
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Crochet and Tea

My friend Jen came today and we were meant to start on our Christmas crafting, but the plan changed swiftly with the arrival of our wool in Attic24's colourway to make her gorgeous Granny Stripe blanket!
This is what Jen has done so far, isn't it beautiful?
The colours are so yummy! Not to mention Jen's beautiful handiwork.
And this is what I have done so far, um yeah, all fingers crossed for me please! Jen had to write down the instructions on how to do the main stitch. Poor Jen, I was getting a little frustrated with it, wondering why mine looked so wonky. Thanks for putting up with me Jen! I can't wait to meet up with you in a few weeks at the knit cafe! With something delicious to do - yay!
Edited to add: Copious amounts of tea were consumed in the making of this post.


  1. Had another great craft day with you. Good luck with the rest of the blanket, it doesn't look wonky!! I'm working on mine tonight while I watch TV. Looking forward to the knit cafe, see you then. Jen oxox

  2. I absolutely love the granny stripe. So, so, so easy to do! Wishing you all the best, Tammy

  3. Love it! Sounds like the perfect day - tea and crochet!!!

  4. Knit Cafe?
    What are we missing here in NZ?
    LOVE the crochet !! !! !!


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