
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sunday Stash

This is one of my favourite fabrics - I love it! One day I will make my daughter a quilt from it - if I ever get the guts to cut it :)
More stashers at 1/4 of an Inch


  1. I don't think I could cut into it, it's gorgeous xxx

  2. Hi i have serious stash envy. I'm going well with swap bits, almost finished and very excited :)

  3. very sweet, don't know if I could cut it either.
    Rachael XX

  4. I don't know why but I keep thinking about this fabric! It makes me want to go get some cute fabric, throw it in a frame & stick it up on the wall!

  5. Your fabric TOTALLY reminds me of my sister, Libbie. So funny that right above my comment is one from her! Have to tell you, I got the best swap partner, she is so sweet. I adore her, she sent my package, and I love it all. I sent mine off and I had such a fun time putting things together for her. Thanks for making it possible!

  6. Hiya
    That fabric is so sweet.
    I popped over to fill you in about our polka dot swap but my darling partner has beaten me to it lol.

  7. Lucky you.. I can just stare at fabric like that all day long!!


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