A dear friend of mine down the road has sewn her daughters whole winter wardrobe - I know - legend! She made some of these skirts and gave me the pattern, it's so easy to do, believe me I am really just a beginner at sewing and I managed to whip these up in a couple of hours each. The pattern is simply rectangles. I may try and make my first tutorial to show you all. However, I am not entirely happy with how the waistband works, so would need to tweak that somehow. Do you see each skirt has a slightly different sized waistband?

I started off with the two tier then gave this three tier a go. The only problem is my daughter wont wear them. She wore the top one once, and wont even try this one on. So I think I need to make them prettier some how? Any suggestions?

On the weekend I went and bought these buttons to do something with. I may try crocheting some flowers or make some fabric flowers, not sure, we'll see how we go.

Aren't my miniture daffodils lovely? I saw them in the supermarket and knew I had to have them. I was at the checkout when I spotted them, left the supermarket put my shopping in the car and went right back for them.

I never buy myself flowers. My husband was wrapped when I came home with them, he's always telling me to spoil myself. He's Dutch and has a strange affiliation with flowers and thinks that people just buy flowers. I must admit his mother and grandmother always have a couple of bunches of flowers on the go at any one time.

Ahhh, lovely...
How about ricrac on the skirts? Or another pretty trim? Even a couple of different ones like green and yellow. I think they look fab, I would wear them if I was a little girl. You know I wouldn't these days! Go up the road to the sewing shop and have a gander. Good luck!
I would definitely love a tutorial. I think the waistband looks fine. Personally, I think the skirts are pretty as they are. But I do like simple unfussy things. The buttons are pretty - may be you could buy some red buttons to jazz it up? x
Ha ha - you just won my softie giveaway. I mixed up the entries really well too! Email me your postal address and I will get her off to you in the next couple of days!
Hiya. Just popped over from PaisleyJade's blog. Your blog is lovely - gorgeous pictures and I love those buttons - where did you get them?
I love the skirt as it is but you could try adding some sequins - little girls love anything that sparkles! Big girls too actually!!
Hello I have just discovered your blog and its lovely. I have added myself as a follower I hope you dont mind x
loving your blog, and congrats on winning paisleyjades little softie! :)
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