
Sunday, February 5, 2012

Well Hello There

I have had much longer break from my blog than expected. My break was forced, due to my laptop completely crapping out, but then with the Christmas rush, and going back to NZ, I just didn't get a chance to blog. Then when I got back from holiday I found I was enjoying the holiday from my blog too. But I have missed you all, I missed all the encouragement and inspiration from you lovely ladies. So I am back. I hope I still have some friends around here.
That's my darling boy snuggled up with my crochet blanket watching TV. It has come along very slowly, and I still have to do the border. It has become a family favorite. Before it was even finished we had fights over who would get to use it, more than once I have found someone snuggled under it with a ball of wool unravelled along the floor from where I left it. I expect I will be making a few more this year.


  1. The blanket is gorgeous! I love the colours combination that you chose. It's very cheerful! Just the thing to make you feel happy on those cold winter days. Welcome back!

  2. Yay! Glad your're back online. Blanket looking lovely.


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