
Friday, October 28, 2011

I Don't Want To Do Groundhog Day Today

I don't want to do groundhog day today! I don't. Every morning I wake up to my house being pretty much trashed and I slowly tidy it up, some days better than others. I would much rather sit on the couch and sip cups of tea while I crochet. And I hate "Poppers" - you know those people that decide to just pop in! For goodness sake don't they know that my house is always trashed, and I am going to pass out with embarrassment if they want to come in? I have seen a sign once that said "If you're here to visit me, please come in, if you're here to see my house, please make an appointment! - it's perfect, I need one!

Attic24 is reading the book House Blues - A survival guide: How to cope with the mental and emotional challenge of keeping a home, I think I might order myself a copy!

So there you have it folks - just thought I would keep it real!

Does anyone else feel the same way?


  1. it could be a lot worse - children seem to get everything out at the same time. I'm seriously thinking of downsizing his toys again - he plays with the same few toys anyway

  2. As soon as I saw that pic the first thing I thought was hmm yes I would kick everything on the floor under the bed if it was tidying up time :P

  3. Yes I totally feel that way too! Often I don't bother to tidy the kids room, just walk past and shut the door.

  4. I come to visit you, not your house and I have probably left the same mess at home for you not to see! Don't worry everyone has the same issues at home.

  5. yes I am the same too.
    And it seems like i just finish tidying and I need to start again!

  6. It is exactly the same at my house, on the nights that I manage to detach my behind from the couch and clear the kitchen, the washing and the clutter away before going to bed, the mornings are so much nicer, but I just don't seem to be able to make it happen every day.
    Had such a ground hog day today, washed the dishes, made some food, washed the dishes again. Put things away, followed around by a two year old pulling more things out, put things away again and so it continues....
    Nice to know I am not the only one. I am reading Organized Simplicty at the moment by the blogger who writes and am finding it quite inspiring. One of these days I will be organized!

  7. Yep I need one of those signs too lol!

  8. I saw a sign that said "My house was tidy yesterday, sorry you missed it"

  9. Oh yes, I feel the same way - and I don't have kids! my husband makes enough mess for a houseful of kids, then seems totally oblivious to it! It doesn't help that we've been renovating our old Victorian house since we moved in 4 years ago and have only done 2 rooms...

  10. That's whayt I am doing all day everyday...losing the battle...& of course I have company that just invited themselves over in about an hour & my house is trashed too! I feel for ya girl!!!

  11. Idlove a sign like that! But I don't really care if the poppers see my place in all its trashed glory. Such is life and I just can't face cleaning it up every. single. day. x

  12. Yes! I feel just that way! Found you via Little Gumnut and so glad I did! I may just order that book too! Just this afternoon I said to a friend it feels like groundhog day - this friend helped me re-arrange my whole house yesterday too (and I feel a whole lot better to be more organised). Lovely to 'meet' you! xx Rach


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