
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My Baby Is Three!

It's so bitter sweet that my baby boy is now three! Children grow up so fast don't they? Although it is getting exciting to know I am moving on to another more independent stage with my kids, I also feel very sad that there will be no more babies.
By the way I cheated with my quilt. I didn't get a chance to finish the binding, so I quickly hand stitched it so that I could still wrap it up for his birthday.
We went to Bundeena for lunch and a play at the beach - he had such a blast. Then he got to choose what we had for dinner - and he chose Sushi Train - every ones favourite.


  1. He's a gorgeous threenager, Stacey. My youngest has been three for two months and I'm constantly reminded that three really is SUCH a fabulous age. x

  2. Hey Stacey, I looooovve your quilts! I'm so envious, I think I might have to make a coffee date and get some hot quilting tips from you!


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