
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Three Little Pigs And A Cat

It's the school holidays here in NZ, I really enjoy getting to relax and start the day slowly. We have decided to do our first family play/movie these holidays. I thought a story the kids know well would work best, so "The Three Little Pigs" it is.
We are in full swing production mode at the moment.
And we have a new member of the family. His name is Fifa (yes - as in the World Cup) but it's not really sticking so we might end up calling him something else... He's a Devon Rex, so doesn't lose much fur, thank goodness! Here he is trying to help with the photo.


  1. What a fun thing to do, enjoy the holidays. Ours are just ending, I'm so sad!!

  2. What a great idea!
    They'll have great fun doing all that involves!x


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