
Friday, June 26, 2009

Meet My Matryoshka

Meet my matryoshka, isn't she sweet?

But what is she for?
She's my daughters hot water bottle cover! OK so maybe a little over the top I have to admit.
But once I had finished my sons hot water bottle cover and was trying to decide what to do for my daughter, I just kept seeing a matryoshka. So here she is!

Thank you everyone who gave me wonderful feedback on my fabric choices for my sons quilt - I really appreciate it! I have decided to go with all the fabrics (which is probably best, considering I bought them all for this project). And I have taken the wise advice of Kate and will start off using a pattern to make a stacked coin quilt. I am hoping for that "pop" everyone is talking about, which hopefully I'll get using the red fabrics and white borders. I'll get on to it tonight. Please leave me a comment if you know of any good tutorials.


  1. She's adorable. The details are just beautiful, and such pretty colours.

  2. Lovely hot water bottle...very indulgent ;)

    This looks like a goodie!

  3. Luck girl to have such a cleaver mum! She is lovely. I am also going to make a stacked coin quilt for my sis for her wedding quilt, which was 3 years ago!! Better late then never xox

  4. She is beautiful, never seen a hot water bottle like that one before,absolutely stunning, I love it. lucky, lucky little girl!

  5. You did not go over the top, shes great!! what a lucky girl x

  6. That is sooooo cool! Over the top is the only way to be!

  7. so so cute! It makes me want to go and buy a hot water bottle just so I can make one!

  8. Oh my goodness that is lovely! Cherry

  9. She is so sweet, I wouldn't mind one of those for my hot water bottle too!

  10. The hot water bottle cover you made your daughter is beautiful, and why shouldn't it be? The colours and fabrics you have chosen for your sons quilt are amazing. It will be just perfect with that gorgeous combination! Can't wait to see the progress shots.

  11. Oh Stacey these are fabulous! Love the doll colours very much. Some things are worth spending loads of time on. Who cares as long as you like what you are doing.

  12. How awesome. Your children are very blessed to have a mum that takes the time to make them such lovely memories.


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