
Sunday, May 24, 2009

She's Wearing Something I Made...

Doesn't she look lovely wearing a clown skirt! It's actually the skirt to go over the top of a clown costume, this is what girl clowns are meant to do, you see! At least she is finally wearing something I made her, she seems to think it's her new dancing skirt - fine!
And no - there is no way that I will ever be able to get her to model it for you all.
I wanted to make the prettiest clown costume ever, except nobody got it! Almost everyone asked if she was a princess! GOOD GRIEF! But I suppose the matching big bows in her hair, strands of beads and cute little shoes, maybe a bit too pretty for a clown.
Can you see that it's a clown costume? I was quite gutted considering it took me and Oma a day to make! To add insult to injury, I made it especially for a circus day at Mainly Music, but she got chicken pox and couldn't go, thank goodness it was Halloween the next Friday, and with a lot of coercing she wore it - briefly!

Anyway, I spent last night cutting out my first ever pattern - OMG - YUCK!
And funnily enough it's a princess costume! My daughter is going to Disney On Ice next weekend with her grandparents, and I thought it was finally the perfect excuse to make her a princess dress. I'm a little nervous about the whole thing. It also requires a zip! The satin has already been a nightmare to cut. So wish me luck...pleeease, and if you don't hear from me in a while you know why.

PS she might not even wear it to the show....oh my...


  1. Hi Stacey!

    Well I think achieved your goal 100 per cent! It IS the prettiest clown costume that I have ever seen!! Actually, you've even made me start liking clowns!! Usually I find them a bit spooky! (How old am I?!!!! LOL)

    The fabrics you have chosen are divine... I just LOVE it! As for getting little girls to wear clothes you have made and chosen for them... yes, can't help you there - us women are born with strong minds!

    Enjoy making your princess costume - and good luck with the zip!

    Hugs! Vikki :-)

  2. Like you - am shocked that people thought this outfit was a princess outfit! Looks Clowny to me!

  3. I thought clown, not princess. Maybe they have never seen a clown?! I hope no one thinks clown when you make the princess costume. If so, you have my permission to slap them!! :) Ha ha.

    But seriously, enjoy making the princess costume. I am equally nervous about zips! Looking forward to seeing the dress, on a model or not.

  4. Great clown outfit, some people just don't get it do they!! Good luck with the princess costume! Brave lady you are :) xox

  5. That clown suit is oh so cute! good luck with the princess dress! Satin can be a really tricky fab to sew, definitely hand sew(baste) your zip in place first, that step I wouldn,t rush, but I'm sure you will do a superb job as usual!:)

  6. I totally get the clown! Too cute! We're off to Disney on Ice too.... but I think we'll use an old dress up rather than make a new one in such a short space of time! I should have been more organised!

  7. Such a pretty clown! Maybe it's for a clown princess???

    It's great that she loves the skirt too. Bon courage for the princess outfit and the zip!

  8. Did she have clown-like make-up on?? You know - red nose, white around the eyes??
    It is very pretty but I get the clown thing, regardless of make-up.
    Hope the princess dress works out for you.

  9. Completely obviously a clown costume! Some people!

  10. What a beautiful clown costume! I totally get the clown thing. I love the fabrics that you used. Good luck with the princess dress!! I'm not fond of sewing zippers either. But if you can sew a clown costume that pretty, then you can do this too!

  11. By all means I can see that is a clown costume. What princess wears her pantaloons with a bib attached. It is great and thanks for stopping by my blog.

  12. Beautiful clown costume! and yes it does look like a clown costume.

  13. I like your blog.I'm waiting for your new posts.

  14. I think that it is clearly a clown costume, they were probably just jealous because they are not as talented as you! I sewed my daughter a satin 50's style poodle skirt recently. The hem was the trickiest part! Good luck - I sure needed it!


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