
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

And...A Kimono Top!

I did it - my pattern worked - I am absolutely stoked! So this is the first top I have ever made, yay! A big thanks to everyone who left comments encouraging me to give it go, you really did give me the push I needed!
I love the fact that it has a double layer over the chest.The only technical hitch I had was that I needed to do the binding in one piece right around the neckline, but sew and learn, I guess.
So now I have navy and brown merino sitting and waiting for me...but I am still too scared to even cut it.
I better go now and tend to my neglected but well clothed children!


  1. Gorgeous! Perfect for Winter! You should write up a pattern x

  2. wow, you did an amazing job. That is one of my plans is to produce a pattern for a merino top. There is no patterns out there when I looked so freaky that you had the same idea too! My friend wanted to do the same as well since they can be quite expensive, uncanny!

  3. That is gorgeous, well done ;-)

  4. What a brilliant result! I am really impressed.

  5. A fantastic job! It looks so lovely - such a lovely style. So snuggly and warm. The merino is going to be so soft and cosy - go for it! Well done!!!

  6. Fabulous job Stacey! Looks very professional too. Where did you get the merino from? I got my pink wool fabric from Spotlight, where else?

  7. Thanks for that Stacey! I really must go and check out that shop one day soon. We are rather limited with only Spotlight locally. Nice to see something different for a change.

  8. That's perfect! Boy am I impressed - you really have a talent for this!

  9. Well done here is a pat on the back for you, you must be very proud of yourself :)

    It is really gorgeous


  10. Great job---thanks for stopping by my blog. I am thinking we should follow each other:) since we seem to have so much in common...I could have written your "about me"....

    and your To Do list is adorable!
    (Turn top into fairy dress....)

    <3 sarasophia

  11. What a cute top that you have patterned and made. I hope you have kept the pattern! I'd make one too!
    Your little one looks soooo cute. :)

  12. Hi, thanks for the comment on my site! Just thought I'd pop over and say hi too. Looks like we are both crafty people - great top you made!

  13. Wow, Stacey, that's gorgeous! Well done. I'm still too intimidated to follow patterns so this is great inspiration!!

  14. Hi, that top is gorgeous, well done! My labels are from Woven Labels UK, I have put a link on my blog. Kate x

  15. This kimono top is just brilliant! Are you going to make one in your size?

  16. That top is gorgeous Stacey, great work! I am totally jealous that you won the two little banshees giveaway; your fabric looks great.

  17. Oh wow that top is lovely , you have done a great job !!

    Sara x

  18. LOVE the top - what a fantastic design.

  19. Wow. That top looks amazing! I'm so impressed!


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